Saturday 30 June 2012


We had the day off today before we travel to Tainan, where the camp is so we did a day trip to Taipei. Saw some cool temples and markets and did a lot of walking. It was very hot out (like 34 degrees) so we made frequent shade/slushie breaks to try and stay cool. We were able to navigate public transit pretty easily and it helps that our hotel is a stone's throw from the train station in Taoyuan. We have met a few other teachers who are staying in the hotel, but none of them will be working at our camp. It seems like this company is pretty big or at least runs lots of camps on the island. I'm just off to meet Kate and Linda for dinner. Happy Early Canada Day!

Thursday 28 June 2012


Made it safely to Tokyo! (and I'm actually in Seoul as I write this) Our flight from Detroit was really good. All three of us slept well so we aren't TOO exhausted. We found an awesome outdoor observation area where you could see the runway and the city in the background. We had some birthday drinks and vending machine ice cream bars to celebrate Kate's birthday before catching some shut eye in the airport. The flight to Seoul was unremarkable, except that we got a full meal (beef entree) at 7:30am. Now it is 9:16 and we aren't too sure what our next meal should be! We are flying Korean Air again so we will probably get something else awesome! We are just resting and waiting for our final flight to TAIPEI!

Sunday 24 June 2012

On the road again!

In my last post, I left off in Seoul, South Korea. 5 months later, I'm headed back in that direction with my friends Kate and Linda. This time, I will be teaching in Tainan City, Taiwan for 2 weeks and Suwon City, South Korea for 1 month. I'm also sneaking in a 4 day jaunt to Tokyo before returning home in August! As usual, I will attempt to keep my blog updated as much as I can.


June 27: Toronto - Detroit - Tokyo - Seoul - Taipei
June 29 - July 15: Tainan City, Taiwan
July 15 - August 18: Suwon City, South Korea
August 18-23: Tokyo, Japan
August 23: Tokyo - Detroit - Toronto