Sunday 29 May 2011

A Coruna, Spain

Had a beautiful day today!! Walked around the old town and followed a path by the ocean... Walked on the beach but the sand was basically finely ground shells so it hurt my feet! Nice weather-- about 16 degrees...

That's all for now! Happy Birthday to mom and 'little' Colleen!

Friday 27 May 2011

Azores & Lisbon Portugal!

We are finally on land! Everyone is very excited to be able to get off the ship after a long ocean crossing. All things considered the conditions were amazing... But did get worse a couple days ago... I even felt slightly queasy which hasn't happened before.

In Azores, we just wandered around the town, beth did some shopping... And we climbed to the top of a hill which had a good lookout point.

Last night we got into Lisbon at 6:30pm (we sailed under this bridge which was cool)... Lots of the crew met up in the downtown area for drinks. Apparently in Portugal you can smoke indoors and drink outdoors!

Today, we took a sightseeing bus around Lisbon... Didn't have headsets so I'm not too sure what we saw, but I got lots of good pictures!

That's all for now... I have to get dresses for Beth's next event -- "A Little Something" a food and wine pairing event... Yesterday it was wine and foie gras.

Saturday 21 May 2011

At Sea: Day Three

We're on our third sea day... No idea really where we are, I'm sure you probably know better than I... If not...

Nothing very exciting to report on-- the seas are smooth and the weather is actually nice -- it was like 19 degrees yesterday and felt like it! I've gotten back into the swing of going to funny "Beth" events like fruit and vegetable carving and how to make cinnamon rolls... Speaking of which... I better run and learn how to make Dutch pancakes!! Mmm

Ps. Last night was formal and many of the ladies were wearing slacks with nice tops... JJ

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Book I found in MV...

I thought it was cute!!

Martha's Vineyard

Despite the forecast for 100% chance of rain it's not so bad today -- just overcast. Took a tender boat to shore today-- Beth had to stay on board as IPM (safety) so I decided to take a little tour. One of the gentlemen on the tender boat said he was hoping to have a lobster roll, so clearly I have made it my new mission also!!

Everything on the ship is great! I'm going to post this before the wifi cuts out!

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Step 1: getting out of Toronto!

I'm currently at the airport, waiting for my second flight of the day. The first one was cancelled due to aircraft maintenance, so now I'm scheduled to leave at 8am... Guess I didn't need to wake up at 4:30 after all!! On the bright side, I am getting my money's worth of premium snacks and lounging in a comfy chair, so I'm not too hardly done by! Hopefully it's smooth sailing from here... Literally!

Sunday 15 May 2011

Euro Adventure Part II

After being home for about a month, I am off on the second part of my European adventure. I am flying into the slightly less exotic New York City on May 17 and will be joining the m/s Prinsendam again!! This time, I will be visiting Portugal, France, Belgium and Germany before going off on my own, backpack in hand, to Berlin. I will eventually meet up with my uncle Derek & fam in Hungary. I am posting my rough plans below.. Hopefully I will be able to find Internet to update my blog somewhat regularly!


May 17 - NYC
18 - Martha's Vineyard
19 - 25 - @ Sea
26 - Lisbon, Portugal
27 - Lisbon Portugal 
28 - Leixoes, Portugal
29 - A Coruna, Spain 
30 - @ Sea
31 - Bordeaux, France
June 1 - Bordeaux, France
2 - Brest, France
3 - St. Malo, France
4 - Cherbourg, France
5 - Brussels, Belgium
6 - Amsterdam, the Netherlands
7 - Hamburg, Germany
8 - Hamburg, Germany
9-12 - Berlin, Germany
12 - Budapest, Hungary
13 - 16 - Debrecen, Hungary