Friday 20 July 2012


We decided to take the bus into Seoul to do some shopping and see the city before camp starts. It turned out to be very easy! We can take a bus right from our doorstep to one of the central Seoul subway stops for $2 and it takes about 40 minutes! One of the other teachers at our camp gave us some advice on where to go so we hit up some of the good shopping districts. I didn't go too crazy but I found some good deals -- they were doing end of season clearance the same as at home. We also did Kate's favorite thing in the world, Sticker Photo (as you can see from the picture above). It's basically a photo booth but you can choose different props to wear, like hats and sunglasses and choose different backgrounds to go behind you. Then once the pictures have been taken, you can add words or little digital stickers to make them look better. As you can see, they always turn out looking ridiculous! Then the girls gave me a choice between going to a Cat Cafe, where there are real cats, or the Hello Kitty Cafe. I'm sure most of you can predict that I chose Hello Kitty. It was very silly. Everything was link and sparkly and they had Hello Kitty cartoons playing on a tv. After that, we decided to head back.. But it was like 7pm which is apparently the height of rush hour. There were huge lines for the different buses, and of course, ours turned out to be the one that was snaking around the block! It actually moved pretty fast and was efficient because I'm sure the majority of people do that every day. After getting back to Suwon, we decided to go to the entertainment district for some dinner and drinks. Just as we were finishing up, two non-Korean lads approached us and asked if they could join us. As it turns out, they were members of the Hamburg Football Team and were playing in the Peace Cup here in Suwon. My personal tutoring sessions on European soccer with Connor & Kavan didn't help me out any... I don't think we covered German teams and players! Haha

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