Tuesday 27 December 2011

Vancouver, British Columbia

I made it safely to Vancouver! Baggage & security were really fast in Toronto & here... The longest line I have waited in so far was at Tim Horton's! 

I was able to sleep quite a bit on the flight & in the airport once I landed and I have been keeping myself occupied... I haven't really felt like I was putting in time yet!

The long distances between arrivals/baggage/security/gates have been giving my legs a good workout... This airport is really nice though... As you can see from the picture, there is some sort of pond/river feature in the International Departures concourse.

That's all for now... Just thought I'd send a quick update before my marathon flight to Korea! The airport says my flight is on time, but dad says its going to be delayed 30 minutes... So I guess it's delayed 30 minutes!

1 comment:

Jexy said...

haha...at least you listen to your Dad. Looks like you were a little late leaving - lucky he booked you enough time to change airports in Seoul! This comment will look like it came from you...that's what you get for being logged into my computer :) Love, Dory